नाना तनुश्री वाद

Submitted by कटप्पा on 6 October, 2018 - 15:38

या वादाबद्धल तुमचं मत काय आहे.

कृपया हा धागा चालू घडामोडी मध्ये कसा हलवायचा कोणी तरी सांगा.

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लोक हळूहळू उठल्याने दाराशी गर्दी होत नाही इतका एकच फायदा>>>>>>> हे डोक्यातच आलं नव्हतं.
मला पण वाटायचं ही गाणी (प्रमोशनल का काय) सिनेमा संपल्यावर देण्याचं काय कारण? आम्हाला सिनेमा सम्पल्यावर पट्कन उठुन बाहेर पडायचं असतं नेहमीच. कोण बघत बसत असेल का पुर्ण?>>>
अतिअति अवांतर>>>, बॉलिवुडीच माहिती नाही, पण हॉलिवुडमध्ये काहीतरी हिंट द्यायची प्रथा आहे नामावली नंतर ,सो डोंट मिस इट, स्पेषली सि॑क्वेन्स वाले सिनेमे असतिल तर..

कसली हिंट असते असं मला तरी वाटत नाही. आपल्या बॉलीवुडात तरी नसावीच.
पिच्चरभर करतात ते कमी की काय म्हणून उगीच सगळे एकत्र नाचत बसतात.

ली हिंट असते असं मला तरी वाटत नाही. आपल्या बॉलीवुडात तरी नसावीच>>>>>
बाहुबली मध्ये दिलीये की हिंट, लहान मुलगा बोलतो त्यातून

बाहुबली मध्ये दिलीये की हिंट, लहान मुलगा बोलतो त्यातून>> डायलॉग्स्मधुन असेल ओ. पण अशी शत्रु-मित्र एकत्र गाण्यातुन कसली हिंट देणार?
तसं तर मग क्रिश ३ मधेपण आम्हाला हिंट मिळालेली.


सुदर्शन टीव्ही चा हा अँकर मला खूप आवडतो. सुखी माणसाचा सदरा म्हणजे काय हे याच्याकडे पाहील्यावर समजते. आयुष्यात कसलाही त्रास झालेला नसावा असा दुर्मिळ प्राणी. हा तटस्थ राहून अँकरींग करतो ते पाहणे खरोखरच चित्तथरारक असते. मी टू आणि नाना तनुश्री वादाच्या मागे केव्हढा मोठा आंतरराष्ट्रीय कट आहे हे याच्यामुळे समजते. अनेक समविचारी लोक याच्याशी सहमत आहेत.

व्हाट्सअप्प फोरवर्ड -

*Tanushree Dutta - A mastermind**

Last few weeks, I have been following up on Tanushree Dutta's interviews and statements and that like million others made me think....Why now? Why? Why after so many years?

Let me clarify a couple of things here. I am a Canadian citizen and have been living in Canada and USA since last 20 years. I have no connection with any political or social groups of India/ USA or Canada nor am I related to any important or well known person of any Indian media. I am an Indian born Canadian who only has emotional bonding with India. That

This Tanushree Dutta's return to India has nothing to do with "Me too" movement or Bollywood casting couch or malpractices of Bollywood.

All she is trying to do is get herself attacked again by some political party so that she can show to the US government that there is extreme threat to her life in India hence her US citizenship process should get expedited. She recently became American green card holder as she got it due to her Ex Miss India status and that too after so many years of struggle in the USA. She even celebrated her happiness on Instagram telling her fans that she finally got her much awaited Green Card and some of her crazy fans even cheered for her. (With Trump government...Obtaining green card has become an extremely slow and stringent process)

Now that she has become Green Card holder.....she expects the American citizenship after 5 or even more long years...(that is if the american government allows).

There is only one way to get what she wants....If she proves to the US government that there is an extreme threat to her life in India, that same process would get expedited and she will receive her American citizenship much more quicker and on a platter.

Why did she not use this political asylum in USA stunt in 2008? Why now?
That is because as a Miss India contestant you become eligible for USA visa anyway. She knew very well, USA invites all those who come to Ms Universe contest and are easily given that O-1 visa status. More so the 2008 attack was not a political attack but a Sahara- one journalist and cameraman attack...( In fact the cameraman was attacked by her own father who broke his camera) The cameraman was asking for compensation which was refused by them violently as well. This was never a political attack. She would have landed into a big trouble with the USA immigration for lying to them about it as a political attack. They would have gone to the root of it and after finding her lies, they would have denied her even that O-1 entry visa.

So she never mentioned to it as a political attack then in 2008.

Her green card in the USA took 5-6 years to process while she worked in the US on her O-1 Visa status which is given to people with extra ordinary entertainmaint ability from other nations.

During these years, she stated she was taking spiritual studies in Ladakh and USA. If you check her Facebook/Instagram pictures there is hardly any spiritual message in it. In fact, all the pictures are provocative and in an attempt to keep her sex appeal attractive for her fans.

Some desperate men follow anybody's Instagram.......even hers. Some of them even asked her to marry them or to come back in the movies. She knew she has a few thousands of fans whom she could influence in India.

She only has one dream now....that is to settle down in the USA and enjoy the life there which she could not ever dream of in India.

In Hindi film industry, she never made her name nor could she ever achieve any success like other actresses or former Miss India like Aishwarya, Priyanka, Sushmita to name a few. So the frustration continues.

Now she has American green card with Indian passport. She also doesn't want to pay taxes in 2 countries. She would rather pay her taxes to the US government than to the Indian government where she has no interest whatsoever and nobody has interest in her....other than her Instagram fans. So the earlier she gets the US citizenship the better it is.

She has studied the North American mentality very well. If she would have had the mob/ cameraman incident here in Hollywood, she would have sued the director/producer/the production house/studio for lack of security and would have made billion dollars here. Unfortunately that incident happened in India. She realized that she missed a golden opportunity of making money in India.

She knows very well, she has her Green Card... so anytime she decides she can run away to the U.S.A and let the Indians and India go to hell. Nothing that happens in India matters to her anymore. But she should now cash on all those lost opportunities that she missed.

There is this brilliant but simple actor, a down to earth philanthropist but well known for his arrogance on the sets who never cared for her Miss India status, a simple choreographer who had no idea how to dance to her tunes, a director who trusted her and had no idea how to be a professional director, a producer who was not known to the media and had no big backing. She creates an atmosphere of tension on sets and leaves it without much explanation..... There comes an overenthusiastic cameraman who gets attacked by her own father, another man from the media takes opportunity to damage her car.....there were several other media persons who only added fuel to the action by only gathering around....and then blah blah blah....the police simply stopped the issue from getting agressive and asked them to leave...later everything was resolved at the police station.

Tanushree had the entire plot right in front of her happening but she did not use it to her advantage at that time...she did not know back then how she could have gained from this situation had it been in the USA.

After coming to USA and seeing how people use such incidents/ things to their advantage, she understood how she could use that incident to her advantage. Anyway, her Green card process was going on in the meantime. So she kept a low profile and did not stir any controversy there until she got her Green Card.

Since last year, the "Me too" movement in the USA has taken a good speed and now India is getting awakened too. She thought this is the best time to strike...she gets everything...if she takes a political party's name and creates anger among the party followers....they will threaten her....some crazy fans of that party will even threaten her for her life..... That's exactly what she wants to show to the U.S. immigration authority...."That my life is threatened in India....so give me the citizenship quickly." This is why she is constantly talking to the media now. Media is more powerful and active now and with Bollywood's support, she may even win this case with lots of money from all those big names.

Since her sister acted in the movie Drishyam, she knows very well that anything you say repeatedly these days, it is finally remembered as the truth and people start believing your story but make sure you stick to your story till the end.

Tanushree has also acted in the hindi movie Chocolate which is a remake of a Hollywood movie "The Usual Suspects" where the main character creates a fictional story and uses all the names and incidents around him to his advantage and gets away with a crime and never gets caught.

Tanushree was Miss India and speaks very good English without using bad words or intonation. She appeals to you and her story appeals to your senses. Honestly, none of us would ever want any woman to suffer in any industry hence we naturally tend to soften ourselves and it also suits our value system in our heart.

So here is what may happen after all this drama over... The law is going to get questioned on women's security, Bollywood celebrities are going to blame one another, the Marathi and non Marathis are going to fight and even hate each other after this episode......the actors, directors, choreographers are going to get labelled, the entire India will get divided on yet another emotional debate on who is speaking the truth and who is not !! In the middle of all this chaos....only one person will be immensely benefitted....and that is Tanushree Dutta!! The publicity hungry media will pay her for her interviews and courage, the involved parties may even pay her as a settlement and most importantly the U.S. government will offer her quick citizenship for her life's safety......

Happy her, will say "Bye, bye India.......Had a great time with you all
..Keep on guessing and fighting"

Only this time every indian will have to say "we too??"

Tanushree you are great!!! Simply a masterpiece with a mastermind...and you have abused your situation as a masterstroke at the cost of India, its present scenario to fool emotional Indians.

It will be the same after all this is over........

*An unbiased, truth seeking observer

मागे एक कॅनेडियन जावई मंदारचा असाच व्हॉट्सअ‍ॅप फॉरवर्ड होता. नंतर मंदारचे आडनाव तीन चारदा बदलले होते..

च्रप्स, त्या unbiased, truth seeking observer चं नाव नाही का दिलं? कॅनडाचं नागरिकत्व कसं मिळवायचं ते विचारता आलं असतं. Wink
मेहुल चोक्सीने सुद्धा भारतात आजकाल मॉब लिंचिंग होतं, म्हणून मला भारतात पाठवू नका असा गळा काढलाय.
विजय मल्ल्याने भारतातले तुरुंग चांगले नाहीत, म्हणून पाठवू नका असं सांगितलंय.
आणि एकंदरितच सध्या भारतात जिवाला धोका असणार्‍या लोकांची संख्या वाढत चाललीय.

तनुश्री-नाना वाद हा सुरुवातीला फक्त एंटरटेनमेंट मीडिया पुरता मर्यादित होता पण गेल्या दिवसात मात्र तो आता मेनस्ट्रीम मीडिया पर्यंत येउन पोहोचला आहे इतका कि बाकी सगळ्या महत्वाच्या मुद्यांना बगल देऊन फक्त एवढाच उरलाय का अशी शंका येतेय ..
सध्या काही भागांचा अपवाद वगळता बहुतेक महाराष्ट्रावर दुष्काळाचं भयाण सावट आहे ... इंधन दरवाढ .. महागाई .. चलन अवमूल्यन .. राफेल आणि तत्सम घोटाळे .. अशे एक ना अनेक मुद्दे आहेत पण ते सोडून सगळं फोकस फक्त याच #मी टू वर आला आहे .. आता हा पण तस महत्वाचा मुद्दा आहेच पण काही काळापूर्वी बिहार मध्ये अनाथालयात आणि इकडे सातारला जे भयानक आणि किळसवाण अस अनाथ मुलींवर जे अत्याचारकांड झाल त्याला मात्र मीडियाने एवढा फोकस ठेवला नाही .. सांगलीत(बाकी सगळीकडेच) वारंवार स्त्रीभ्रूण हत्याकांड घडत असते त्यावर एवढा फोकस दिला असता तर थोडीफार जरब बसली असती पण त्याला कोण पाहत नाही म्हणून असेल कदाचित ...
बाकी भाजप सोशल मीडिया विंगेचा प्रभाव पाहता मूळ प्रश्नांकडे लोकांचं लक्ष हटवण्याचाहि हा एक प्रोपागेंडा असू शकतो .. असे बरेच मुद्दे डोक्यात घोळत आहेत पण सध्याला इतकच सुचतंय आता

हा अमेरिकन सिटीझनशिप चा, बंगाली-मराठी चा, 'आत्ताच का' वगैरे मुद्दे हे कल्पनाविलासाचे, रिकामटेकडेपणाचे आणी दिशाभूल करण्याचे आहेत असं माझं मत आहे.

भारत-अमेरिकेमधे माझ्या माहितीप्रमाणे अशी कुठलीही ट्रीटी नाहीये. मनसे हा राजकीय पक्ष आहे आणी तो एका राज्यापुरता मर्यादित आहे. ह्या सगळ्या पार्श्वभुमीवर हा asylum चा मुद्दा अयोग्य ठरतो. ग्रीन कार्ड असताना, ५ वर्षांनी नागरिकत्वाची प्रक्रिया सुरू करण्याविरोधात कुठलाही कायदा वगैरे नाहीये. उगाच ट्रंप चा बागुलबुवा उभा करण्यात काहीही अर्थ नाहीये.

बाकी ते दहाच वर्ष का वगैरे दिशाभूल करण्याचे मुद्दे आहेत. १० ऐवजी, नऊ चालले असते का? सव्वा-आठ वगैरे? काहीही चाललय. एखाद्याला एखाद्या trauma मधून बाहेर यायला किती वेळ लागायला हवा, त्या व्यक्तीनं झालेल्या अन्यायाला कशी आणी कुठे वाचा फोडायला हवी ह्याचा निर्णय वैय्यक्तिक आहे. अगदी लैंगिक शोषण जाऊ द्या, पण आपआपल्या कामाच्या जागी अन्याय झाल्या झाल्या लगेच तडकाफडकी राजीनामे देऊन बाहेर पडत नाही आपण.

तनुश्री दत्ताने सुरू केलेल्या मोहिमेमुळे अनेक लोकांवर आरोप झाले आणी त्यातल्या काही लोकांनी तितक्याच तत्परतेनं माफी मागितली. त्यामुळे ह्यात अगदीच तथ्य नाही असं वाटत नाहीये.

Tanushree not interested in fighting this case legally. Today the lady who accused Vikas Behl said she don't want to fight case in court. So most women are interested in only accusing men in social media. I don't know but it will damage the cause.

कोर्टात केस म्हणजे 10 वर्षांनी न्याय मिळेल.तोवर वकिलाची फी भरत बसावी लागेल म्हणून जात नसाव्यात बहुतेक.

कोर्टात केस म्हणजे 10 वर्षांनी न्याय मिळेल.तोवर वकिलाची फी भरत बसावी लागेल म्हणून जात नसाव्यात बहुतेक.>>>

कोर्टात केस म्हणजे 10 वर्षांनी न्याय मिळेल.तोवर वकिलाची फी भरत बसावी लागेल म्हणून जात नसाव्यात बहुतेक.>>> हे म्हणजे चीत भी मेरी पट भी मेरी असे झाले ...
म्हणजे आम्ही बेछूट आरोप करत सुटणार आणि पुरावे द्यायची वेळ आली कि पळ काढणार ... याला काहीच अर्थ नाही

<< कोर्टात केस म्हणजे 10 वर्षांनी न्याय मिळेल.तोवर वकिलाची फी भरत बसावी लागेल म्हणून जात नसाव्यात बहुतेक.>>> हे म्हणजे चीत भी मेरी पट भी मेरी असे झाले ...
म्हणजे आम्ही बेछूट आरोप करत सुटणार आणि पुरावे द्यायची वेळ आली कि पळ काढणार ... याला काहीच अर्थ नाही>>

---------- आरोप बेछूट आहेत हे तुम्ही कसे कशाच्या आधारावर ठरवले. घटना घडली त्या वेळी तुम्ही तिथे होता का? जे काही घडले असेल ते त्या दोघान्नाच, आणि तिथे असणार्‍यान्ना माहित. तिने (महिलेने) आरोप केला आहे म्हणजे त्या घटनेचा त्रास तिला होत असणारच, भविष्यातही होणार आहेच.
अशा घटनात पुरावे काय देणे अपेक्षित आहेत? न्यायालयात ज्या प्रश्नान्ना सामोरे जावे लागते ते बघितल्यावर आणि वकीलान्वर होणारा खर्च यामुळे तिने तो मार्ग टाळला असेल.
