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Time travel in hindu mythology

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 4:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

P: You mentioned time travel thru 'yogic kriya'... by any chance are u refering to kuMDlaInaI jaagaRt krNao !!!

Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 11:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

yaÜgaIk Xai>nao time travel krNao Xa@ya Aaho. pNa Aajacyaa kilayaugaacyaa maanavaalaa to Xa@ya hÜ[la Asao vaaTt naahI. %yaasaazI manaacaI p`canD tyaarI AaiNa icakaTI hvaIÊ jao Aaja kalacyaa QaavapLIcyaa yaugaat kovaL AXa@ya. prntuÊ
we can develop such prcoess/machines based on our ancient time travel similarities.
Time travel is possible only in two cases -
1. If you travel faster than light or
2. If you increase ur gravity to almost infinity such as blackhole, and pass through singularity.
So then our job remains to find out similarities in our ancient past which may concede with any of above two possibilities.
Once we find out that, the next task would be to build scientific model for that process.
Ofcourse, ho baÜlaNao Kup saÜpo AahoÊ AaiNa to Ëuitt AaNanao Kup AvaGaD AahoÊ ho maI jaaNatÜ

Monday, March 28, 2005 - 9:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

ashish, var yogi te sukshma roop vagaire je mhanato ahe tyabaddal mi pa.vi. vartak yancha ek pustak vachala hota. te sukshma rup dharan karu shakatat ani tyanni mangal graha tasa pahila ani varnan lihun thevale ani mag baraych varshanni kuthlatari yaan tithe pochala ani tyane pathavlele photo ani tyache anuman ani vartak yancha varnan sarkha nighala. vagaire vagaire. i guess yogi is referring to that. check Vartak's books if u want.

btw, from what I read, narad was able to show himself at any place any time no matter its satya yug or dwapar or treta. never heard of him coming to kaliyug though. sorry I can't really give u a specific story as I don't recall one.

Monday, March 28, 2005 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

What is telepathy ? It is said that Yogipurush were having that sort of 'Kriya'. Is it related to the present inventions of that type?

Friday, July 24, 2009 - 6:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge on Time travel from our veda's...
special thanks to Aschig,Yogibear, Shrini,etc..

I am trying to setup a library with explanations of veda's, Yogic experiences in connection with modern sciences. Can you please suggest some names ??

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